8 Cool beach picture ideas for Instagram

Abigail Brown
6 min readOct 22, 2020


beach picture ideas for instagram

The present era is all about social media. Nowadays people share photos on social media on a daily basis. Instagram is one of the most popular media for sharing photos. Instagram is a village of creative photos. People share their photos on Instagram by following many techniques. General people to famous and celebrities communicate with photos on Instagram. Nowadays, sharing beach pictures have become a trend on Instagram. People went to the beach and take photos of various poses. There are many styles and techniques to capture stylish and charming beach pictures for Instagram.

Now I will tell you 8 cool beach picture ideas for Instagram.

Use Natural Light

Natural light is a part of nature. It is always around even there is a cloudy afternoon, the light is readily available. It allows the photographer to have fun with the location without moving any equipment. It does not have to adjust. You just need to find a location with the best lighting. For Instagram beach pictures you can use the golden hour of the beach. Before the sunset, there is a big opportunity to capture very beautiful pictures. Using natural light or golden hour will give you various scope to take pictures on the beach. It will help you to be with the natural beach view in the picture.

Use a Tripod

Tripod keeps your camera absolutely still. You do not have to worry about any movement of the shaking camera. It allows capturing a longer exposure by using a tripod. During sunset, the light will quickly diminish. That means your shutter speed could get too low to hand-hold the camera anyway. With the camera on the tripod, the shutter speed can be longer without the worry of camera shake. Using a tripod in beach photography will help you to capture the best pictures in any style. If you want to do time-lapse then you will get the best result for it.

Take photos from a different angle

Using camera angles is one of the quickest ways to add interest and variety to your photos. Even if you don’t know how to use your camera very well, angles are easy. All you have to do is move your camera higher or lower to dramatically change the angle of your photo. It doesn’t matter what camera or what lens you are using. You can always make more attractive photos by changing the camera or shooting angles. On the beach, there are many scopes to have different angles to capture stylish pictures for Instagram. Like; you can shoot silhouettes, side frame, middle frame, upper side angle, and many more.

Try Different poses

Posing is all about attraction. Though posing has come to be something of a dirty word in the present age there is no problem with posing. The problem is people’s perception of what it is. Once you become a master of it, I believe it is like fine art. A person can pose in many ways using their eyes, hands, legs, head, etc. If you keep your eyes in a soft emotion then there will be a soft-looking picture. A pose without emotion is only a pose. When you will add emotions in your posing then there will be a massive attraction. If you can combine that beautiful art of posing with emotion then it will be unbeatable.

Use beach props

Props in photography can either enhance or destroy the beauty of a photo. Well, it depends on the types of props and how they are used. It should be presented appropriately so other people can appreciate the photo. The main role of props in beach photography is to add extra interest to a photo. In beach photography for Instagram you can use hats, coconuts, sand-castle, and trees, etc. as your props. Moreover, if there are beach four-wheeler then you can use that as your props. Props can be used in portrait pictures. It will help to make a portrait picture very fantastic.

Capture Beach Silhouettes

Silhouettes are different from other forms of photography. In Silhouettes, it will give you very little in terms of detail. It taps into your mind and makes you wonder what the image is all about. There might be people, buildings, or other objects that are a part of the silhouette. It is up to you to decide what story is being told and that is part of its magic. The purpose of this guide is to teach you the art of sunset silhouettes on the beach. You can capture photos on the beach by giving your back to the sun. It will give shadow vibes.

Capture Sunset

Capturing during sunset is the golden hour of photography. The best time of day to take beach photos is in a couple of hours before sunset. These times provide the perfect light to capture stunning photos. You can capture silhouette style photos. It will make your photos amazing. You can also capture the only sunset combined with sea and beach. There are many beautiful sceneries of a beach sunset. Though sunset hour is a golden hour so you can capture your images for Instagram very stylishly. Moreover, you can take portrait photos by keeping the sun and ocean behind your back as using them your object or background.

Do Photo Editing

Photo editing is important for any modification on an image after the exposure has been completed. Beach picture ideas for Instagram will be incomplete without photo editing. It is necessary to correct the camera’s mistakes and let the photos look realistic. It will give your photos to life. A camera cannot do all the mechanical works. So you have to do the last work. You have to give a finishing touch to the photos for the betterment of the images. Photo editing will bring a fabulous result. Or you can take photo editing service from experts in this field.

Conclusion — Beach picture ideas for Instagram

Instagram is the ultimate place for picture lovers. This photo-sharing app has reinvented the art of communicating by photos and raising the bar higher and higher. I hope these beach picture ideas for Instagram will be very helpful for you. Though we are glued to our photos and trying to get the caption just right. It is always nice to capture the moment while on vacation, it is also fun to capture it in a way that gets you a lot of greetings. There is no place that better than the beach. There you can capture and share breathtaking pictures. The beach is one of the most iconic places to snap epic images.



Abigail Brown

Hello, Medium world! I’m Aby. I’m a photographer turned Blogger. Living my dream! Get a photo editing service from my site — clippingpathexperts.com